tech start-up

Boosting tech start-up growth in Africa

 It was the year when African tech startup funding passed the $2 billion mark, according to an article on Disrupt Africa. 564 tech startups acquired more than $ 2.1 billion worth of funding last year. 2021 was a landmark year for the African startup sector. Founders of the fastest-growing tech startups, such as Chipper Cash, TymeBank,[…]


Mentorship and Startup Growth: How They Can Strengthen Each Other?

The growth and success of a startup depend upon many factors. Enough funding, the right vision & strategies, and the ability to tackle adverse market conditions; a combination of all such critical factors is vital to a business’ continual existence.  Unfortunately, many startups struggle to keep themselves relevant and fail within the first 2 to[…]

Startup financing

Startup Financing: 7 Key Funding Options for Your Business

Startups emerge from the seed of an idea. Dedication, careful planning, strategies, foresight, the drive & passion to succeed—it takes a lot to turn a simple idea into an operational business. And, let’s not forget—you will also need substantial funding as well. Finance is the lifeblood of any business. You need money to turn your[…]

5 Methods

Top 5 Methods to Get Funds for Your Startup Idea

Startup business funding is always the sticking issue when it comes to expanding and proliferating a startup. Your business idea will never become a reality unless you have the money to materialize it.  And, that’s where the main problem lies, getting startup funding for your business. So, what are the best ways to acquire startup[…]

Great startup

How do you become a great startup leader?

The main virtue of being a leader is to be visionary and master the art of being a soothsayer. Seeing and feeling the undulating rhythm of one’s business’s destiny is when a leader takes the next step. In this discourse, find the path to be a remarkable startup leader! Start with the basics of startup[…]