
Funding for pre-seed projects – Making dreams come true

The inception of every business starts with a top-notch idea that is always expected to be rewarding. However, without unassailable pre-seed funding or  startup business funding, the dream would look light years away from reality! Thus, irrespective of being a small business startup or a medium-scaled one, without funding, the tottering legs can never race[…]

Venture Capital: Why is it Important for Startups capital to get seed funding?

Venture Capital: Why is it Important for Startups capital to get seed funding?

Being an entrepreneur is a daunting endeavor, and takes a lot of courage and strength to chase the yearning dream.  The portrait on the canvas becomes a reality only when you make an astute move at this momentous point in your life. To start with, the most elementary function that triggers the successful start for[…]

initial funding

When a Startup startup get initial funding, What Happens Next?

  initial funding is the lifeblood of any entrepreneurship. Getting the right funds is a huge milestone in itself. But, that’s just the beginning. Once a startup secures necessary funding, the journey truly begins. It is time to set targets, adjust pre–emptive plans, and take the right steps.  The actions a budding business takes after[…]

Start-Up funding

Understanding Start-Up Funding Stages

Money is a critical cog in the human economy. Whether you are a megacorporation or a promising startup, you need funds to keep things running. Without continual, necessary funding, things eventually come to a screeching halt, lets Understand Start-Up Funding Stages.  Up-coming entrepreneurs need to thoroughly understand all the different stages of  funding & how[…]

Pre-seed funding

Pre-seed funding for projects – Realizing dreams

Pre-seed Startup funding has its nuances. Entrepreneurs must be able to think in advance and anticipate potential opportunities, crucial stages, and all possible pitfalls. As a startup owner, the onus is on you to understand how best to use seed funding & when you will be needing more funds.  Pre-seed funding breathes life into ideas.[…]

tech start-up

Africa start-up seed funding – For entrepreneurs from the ground up

The phenomenal success stories of tech start-ups across Africa are nothing short of fairy tales. Africa’s  sector is defying global trends and showcasing incredible resilience in the face of increasing economic uncertainty. According to an article on Bloomberg, the booming technology-dominated start-up sector in Africa witnessed inflows of a whopping $2.7 billion since January 2022. […]


Start-ups: Understanding Pre-Seed Funding

Metamorphosing a business dream into a successful, thriving venture is not easy at all. It takes a lot of courage. A huge dose of self-confidence, solid business acumen, a clear vision, a quick intelligent wit, and proper financial support. However, with the right kind of start-up funding, any entrepreneur can materialize their dream and take[…]


Supporting Tech Unicorns in Africa- Investing in Africa’s Future Unicorns

The continent of Africa is defying global trends. While the rest of the world shudders in the wake of a pandemic, we have African unicorn start-ups enjoying phenomenal success & brilliant growth.  According to an article in African. Business, the year 2020 saw start-ups around Africa raise a record $4.2 billion, which increased to $4.9[…]

Business skills

Which Skills Should You Have To Build for a Small Business?

The Seven Essential Business Skills for Starting A Small Business Establishing a business successfully is not a simple feat. First, an array of skills is necessary for developing, growing, sustaining, and turning your new venture into a profit-making machine. Whether you are tech startup founders or entrepreneurs with tech ideas in Africa, identifying that skill[…]

The Key to Start-Up Success is Business Management

The Key to Start-Up Success is Business Management

It is one thing to have an exceptional business idea. It is a whole other thing to build a successful enterprise around it. You may have all the money and access to all the necessary resources to kickstart your business the way you always wanted. But, without proper planning and management, things will crumble like[…]